Home / Best Sellers / Jura J15093.99 Z6 Jura 15093 Automatic Coffee Machine, Aluminum - Certified Refurbished

Jura J15093.99 Z6 Jura 15093 Automatic Coffee Machine, Aluminum - Certified Refurbished

  • Detail
    A world first: P.E.P. from JURA Pulse Extraction Processproduces the perfect espresso. For the Pulse Extraction Process (P.E.P.),innovation leader JURA took its inspiration from the world's best baristas.The result is a revolutionary technology that optimizes the extraction time,allowing even short specialty coffees like ristretto and espresso to beprepared with an intensity and breadth of aromas like never before. The Z6moves into completely new territory, taking the automatic specialty coffeemachine to the next level. The state-of-the-art generation of coffee machinesis an impressive showcase of Swiss innovation. It achieves a brand newstandard of quality across the whole spectrum of specialty coffees, from theshort, fiery ristretto to the popular, mellow flat white.
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